If you are a registered VICTOIRE! user then we are proud to offer you this chance to upgrade to the NEW IMPROVED AXIS, the super keen commercial version of Victoire! for a mere $24.95 + $5.00 S&H. Just call Baseline, announce proudly that you are a Victoire! registered user and that you wish to upgrade.
Not only will you be able to cheat at all those games you currently play, but you will also be able to cheat at many, many, many MORE games. With Axis, you can cheat at: A-Train, Arashi, Armor Alley, Beyond Dark Castle, Blade, Capitalist Pig, Civilization, Crystal Crazy, Cyberblast, Darwin’s Dilemma, Diamonds, Eight Ball Deluxe, Falcon, Falcon MC, Flight Simulator, 4-D Boxing, Glider, Hellcats Over the Pacific, Jewelbox, Lemmings, Leyte Gulf, Maelstrom, Might and Magic III, Mission Starlight, Mission Thunderbolt, OIDS, Operation Tsunami, Pararena, Pathways into Darkness, Pax Imperia, PGA Tour Golf, Prince of Persia, Red Baron, S.C.OUT, SimAnt, SimCity, SimEarth, Sky Shadow, Solarian II, Space Madness, Spaceward Ho!, Spectre, Spectre Supreme, Stellar7, Storm, Tetris, The Tinies, Tristan, VETTE!, ZOA, and MORE EVERY MONTH (or so).